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Mobile device security threats you should know about

Mai 01, 2011 | 42Gears Team

Mobile security threats

Mobile security threats

For most purposes smartphones today are almost as powerful as computers. There are now more phones in the world than the number of computers. Phones are being used by people to check emails, browse web, make online payments, download games, take pictures, track location and much more. Along with these powerful features we should also be aware of security threats that arise out of using smartphones.

  • Data Security:Data stored on SD card can be easily stolen by someone who gets access to the card for even a couple of minutes. Turn on SD card encryption to ensure that data can be read only by your phone. Proper and timely backup of data is also important practice.
  • Location Privacy:Phones today are equipped with features like GPS. There are applications that can tell your exact physical location to your friends and followers. This information can be misused by anyone (thieves, advertisers etc.) which can be harmful.
  • Malware/Viruses:Malware and viruses are malicious programs that can cause serious damage as they can be used by hackers to take control of your mobile devices and at worst steal your all important data such as business information, credit card details, passwords, personal pictures etc. Download and use programs only if you trust the source.
  • Scams and Phishing attacks:Ensure you are visiting the real websites and not the fake ones which look exactly like the real ones. If you get tricked you can loose lots of data, money or both. Be careful while clicking on the malicious links on websites. Recommendation: Always check for https at the start of the website link before you enter any sensitive data. Wearing your Sherlock Holmes hat might help here.

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