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Export Location Tracking Data using SureMDM

Mai 22, 2013 | 42Gears Team

One of the best features about SureMDM is locating your devices anywhere in the world. With just a click of a button on SureMDM Web Console, you can see real-time location of devices on a map. Now, we have gone one step ahead and with the new update in SureMDM, you can export the location data of a device in .csv format.

Follow the below mentioned steps to export the Location Tracking Data :

1. Login to SureMDM Web Console.

2. Select a device from the Device Grid and click Locate.

3. On the Location Tracking screen, click History > Modify.

Export Location Tracking Data using SureMDM_modify

4. On the History Date Time Selection prompt,

a. In the Interval field, choose the date and time.

b. In the Location Accuracy field, enter the tracking distance in meters.

Export Location Tracking Data using SureMDM_history date time selection

6. Click Export to export the .csv file.

Export Location Tracking Data using SureMDM_export

To know more about SureMDM, visit

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