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Chatbots can be Powerful and Easy-to-Use. If Done Right.

Août 03, 2020 | 42Gears Team

Most people have interacted with chatbots artificial intelligence  programs that simulate a conversation with a user – in the context of customer service. Most chatbots can only answer basic questions, leading to short and sometimes unsatisfying customer service interactions, but this is not a reason to view them as annoying or unhelpful. After all, artificial intelligence has been massively useful in fields like finance, where finance AI can produce invaluable insights.

Chatbots can provide an easy, fast, and affordable way for businesses to harness the power of artificial intelligence. Let’s take a look at a few reasons why.

1. Creating chatbots is easy, with or without coding knowledge

No matter who wants to create a chatbot, there are a range of tools available to do so, no matter how little coding knowledge someone might have. Companies such as IBM have made publicly available some of their key artificial intelligence innovations, such as IBM’s Natural Language Processing tools, for others to learn and use.

Chatbots can be easy to use and powerful if designed well. Companies such as Capital One have created chatbots that use finance AI to facilitate customer service, making it easy to check key financial statistics and gain peace of mind. 42Gears has created DeepThought, a chatbot that facilitates device management, allowing IT admins to quickly monitor and modify device behavior by conversing with the chatbot.

2. Chatbots help business staff focus on high-value tasks

Many customer service requests focus on one of a few common questions, such as how do I buy your product?, and Do you accept purchase orders? If your customer service team needs to answer all questions, the team will spend time on common questions that do not require personalized assistance.

This is where chatbots are useful. Modern artificial intelligence can often provide answers to common questions, and even customize answers based on each user’s data. By addressing basic queries, chatbots can leave customer service professionals to deal with more complicated high-value tasks that require manual assistance.

3. Predictive analytics let chatbots stay one step ahead of the user

One reason why finance AI is so valuable is that it can detect changes in market trends well before the human eye could observe those changes. In the same way, chatbots used for customer service and enterprise can predict user needs well before the user vocalizes them.

For example, a customer using a banking app could rely on the app’s chatbot for customer service and advice. The app’s finance AI could identify trends in the customer’s behavior, and prepare a special credit card offer based on the user’s behavior.

Even administrators and executives can benefit from the predictive analytics artificial intelligence makes possible. Busy users only have a small amount of time to dedicate to a chatbot, and if a chatbot can anticipate and fulfill the users’ needs, users will be more satisfied than ever before.

4. Integration with popular hardware makes true multitasking possible

Based on their experience with customer servicechatbots, many people likely associate chatbots with phones and computers. Fewer make the association between chatbots and voice-controlled artificial intelligence assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa.

In fact, chatbots can be controlled by voice, making it possible to benefit from chatbots while in the middle of other tasks. This is especially applicable for IT admins and others responsible for device management. For example, DeepThought, the 42Gears device management chatbot, makes it possible to monitor, manage, and secure any company’s fleet of devices through verbal commands.


It may be unreasonable to expect that chatbots can instantly harness every aspect of finance AI, machine learning, and other key aspects of artificial intelligence.  That said, chatbots can provide an easy way to get key information, anticipate user demands, and enable hands-free device management. To get started with a smart chatbot that can help with device management, register for SureMDM by 42Gears today.

If you’ve ever interacted with a company on Facebook, you’ve at least briefly talked with a chatbot- a program designed to automate the kind of conversation you might have with a “real person.” They typically work fine, but this skews how people see chatbots.

Chatbots but it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that chatbots are a substitute for “a real person” instead of seeing they can be the very best at what they do.

SureMDM – Device Management with DeepThought, an advanced management chatbot.


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