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Why Audit Logs are Vital for QA Teams

jun 12, 2023 | 42Gears Team

With any app testing platform, QA testers and platform administrators will have access to many test devices. In the case of AstroFarm, the console will have multiple user groups that experience a constant flux of user and device additions and removals. Lack of visibility will make it challenging for team members and administrators to detect and track these activities. And when these events go untracked, admins may inadvertently miss key events that can impact the testing team.

These pain points will be solved with AstroFarm’s Audit Logs. Audit logs will serve as a collection of records within the console, providing information about internal activities to users and admins. The logs will show details such as who performed an action, when it occurred, and the specific type of action that was taken. Admins can even filter out the type of logs (eg: user/device management) they want to check. The image below gives a preview of how the feature appears in the console. 

Benefits of the Audit Log feature in AstroFarm include: 

1. Tracking Activities: Admins can easily monitor and track user and device allocations for all created groups, ensuring transparency and accountability.

2. Improved Collaboration: Audit logs will foster collaboration among admins and team members by providing a transparent record of actions.

3. Troubleshooting Assistance: The logs will also help diagnose problems related to device access and user permission settings, enabling admins to identify and resolve issues promptly.

4. Informed Decision-Making: Finally, admins can make informed decisions based on the recorded activities and historical data, leading to more effective planning and execution.

With the addition of Audit Logs, admins and users can now effectively track activities, ensure accountability, and diagnose potential issues, thereby optimizing testing processes and achieving successful outcomes.

Track device and user activities
effortlessly with AstroFarm's
Audit Logs

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