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Use of Mobile Device Management in the Airline Industry

jun 15, 2022 | 42Gears Team

This article discusses the importance of mobile device management solutions in the airline industry. If you are managing the IT operations of an air service provider, you should find this article informative. Read on to know more.

Deployment of Mobile Device Management Solution in Airline Industry: Why it Matters

As the airline industry becomes more and more competitive, air service providers continue to deploy latest technologies to gain a competitive edge. Moreover, they want to create unique customer-centric experiences by using modern technologies. With mobility being core to their growth strategies, air service providers now rely heavily on advanced mobility solutions. These solutions facilitate communications across all levels and help teams in the tarmac, aircraft,  and gates share meaningful insights with each other.

In fact, using mobile technologies helps air service providers enhance staff performance, reduce costs, and reduce turnaround times. By streamlining operation, mobile technologies help employees including the ground crew, gate representatives, and flight attendants to effectively handle their role-specific duties. However, deploying  a large fleet of mobile devices isn’t enough; they also need a robust and reliable mobile device management solution to make the most of the devices deployed.. Such a solution helps  efficient and secure operations across departments. 

Top ways how mobile device management solution in airline industry can benefit you

If you are running the IT operations of an air service provider, you should know that MDM can make your operations more efficient. To clarify, using a sophisticated mobile device management solution in the airline industry, can let you:

Secure content on devices.

By deploying an MDM solution, you can safeguard the digital versions of your crew training manuals, cockpit manuals, and operation manuals. Your MDM software would make it possible for you to enforce file and drive encryptions. Additionally, you can implement passcode policies, which would translate into an improved standard of data security. 

Lock down your devices remotely. 

A mobile device management solution in airline industry supports easy app lockdowns. For example, you can lock your devices into kiosk mode, which would allow your employees to access only approved apps and functionalities. When you convert your mobile device into kiosks, you can use them for dedicated operations such as check-ins, delivery of security demos, displaying of e-menus, etc. By turning the kiosk mode on, you will boost employee productivity. Consequently, you will also ensure that users focus only on the purpose for which the device has been deployed. Additionally, you will enhance device performance by preventing your employees from accessing non work-related functionalities and processes. 

Impose restrictions on the use of Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs).

EFBs need proper management so that they can be used optimally to serve intended purposes. So you must ensure that these devices are used properly by crew members and pilots alike. By using an MDM solution, you can specify the device-use restrictions. 

Perform device enrolment in bulk. 

With an MDM solution, you can enrol a large number of devices before you boot them up for the first time. Importantly, you don't have to involve the users. That is to say, use of mobile device management solution in airline industry can make your device enrolment process more efficient.

Undertake remote troubleshooting. 

Use of mobile device management solution in airline industry makes troubleshooting easier and more efficient. An MDM solution would allow you to get a remote view of your users’ devices. You can make use of remote-control features to deliver real-time support to address issues. When you identify issues, you can remotely deploy remedial actions. 

Manage apps easily. 

The deployment of mobile device management solution in airline industry can be exploited optimally for easier app distribution and management. You can easily install apps related  to weather and performance analysis. Above all, you can identify apps that may be causing a data hog in your setup. 

Easily push apps and files to users’ devices. 

You can easily distribute apps and files to several devices all at once, within a few minutes. Additionally, you can enjoy the privilege of silently blocklisting, installing, or allowlisting certain apps without involving the users. Moreover, an MDM solution would allow you to transfer files to specific locations in devices. 

Keep track of all devices using a single console. 

MDM solutions in airline industry allow IT admins to manage, monitor, and secure all your devices including Android, Windows, and Apple from a single platform. You can set up corporate email, Wi-Fi, and VPNs in employee devices before they turn them on for the first time. Besides, you can set up network configurations including preferences, network connectivity, and data usage limits using a single platform. 

Mobile device management solution in airline industry: final words

In conclusion, these are the ways how IT admins in the airline industry can make use of MDM to boost employee productivity and reduce data security threats. If you are looking for an MDM solution, we have the right solution for you. Our flagship product SureMDM is perfectly designed to address your unique mobile device management needs. Call us for a consultation today. 

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