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Go Beyond Android Device Manager with SureMDM’s Android Device Management

nov 15, 2023 | 42Gears Team

Today, most businesses are turning to Android devices to streamline their operations. With a diverse range of hardware options and cost-effective choices, Android has become the go-to platform for enterprises seeking flexible and affordable solutions to empowering their workforce.

However, securing and managing a huge fleet of Android devices can present various challenges for organizations. A recent study showed that over 42% of businesses have reported that security threats and incidents originate from mobile devices and applications.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the most common challenges when businesses use Android Device Manager to manage their Android device ecosystem, and how SureMDM’s Android Device Management capabilities can help overcome them.

Enhance Device Security with SureMDM’s Android Device Management 

One of the major concerns with the Android Device Manager is limited capabilities in terms of locating misplaced devices and remote data wiping. Today’s businesses need more than just standard security features, and with SureMDM’s Android Device Management capabilities, businesses can now fully protect their devices and data by leveraging advanced security features like enforcing strong password policies, implementing custom browser configurations, restricting the use of peripheral buttons and screenshot abilities. 

Simplify Application Management

Managing applications on a large number of Android devices can be a daunting task. SureMDM’s Android Device Management capabilities simplify this process by offering centralized application management capabilities, enabling administrators to deploy, update, and remove applications remotely, saving time and effort. With the ability to push critical business apps or security patches across devices, IT teams can ensure that all devices are up-to-date and comply with company policies.

Ensure Compliance and Policy Enforcement

Maintaining compliance with internal policies, industry regulations, and legal requirements is crucial for organizations. SureMDM’s Android Device Management capabilities empower administrators to define and enforce policies across devices, ensuring adherence to compliance standards. Whether it's enforcing password complexity, restricting app installations, or monitoring device usage, SureMDM provides the necessary controls to maintain a secure and compliant mobile environment.

Enable Device Tracking and Monitoring

In the event of device loss or theft, tracking and monitoring capabilities become essential. Android Device Manager includes a device tracking feature that enables IT administrators to locate lost devices on a map. But with SureMDM, IT admins can also monitor device activity, such as network usage and application usage patterns, to identify any suspicious behavior. These tracking and monitoring features enhance device accountability and facilitate quick recovery in case of loss or theft.

Leverage Remote Troubleshooting

Providing remote troubleshooting capabilities is important in ensuring uninterrupted services and employee productivity. SureMDM simplifies troubleshooting by allowing administrators to remotely access and troubleshoot Android devices. This feature enables IT teams to diagnose and resolve issues promptly, reducing downtime and minimizing disruptions to users. The ability to remotely assist users with device configurations and troubleshooting steps greatly enhances the support process.

Mobile Device Management is a critical aspect of maintaining a secure and efficient mobile environment. With a robust Android Enterprise Recommended solution, like SureMDM, organizations can address common challenges and streamline their MDM efforts. By leveraging its robust security features, application management capabilities, compliance enforcement, device tracking, and user support options, organizations can enhance device security, improve productivity, and simplify the management of their mobile devices.

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