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AstroFarm now enables CPU and Memory Utilization detection per process!

dec 07, 2022 | 42Gears Team

AstroFarm now supports CPU and memory utilization detection per process. AstroFarm recently launched  CPU and memory utilization tracking to help QA and testing teams detect unexpected changes in usage, evaluate anomalies, and correct them. This feature was developed to minimize debugging time by detecting high memory utilization and CPU bottlenecks. To make the process even more granular, AstroFarm will now help you track CPU and memory changes for every process during your test execution. 

Why is this significant?

Chances are that a test execution shows high resource utilization even when only a few processes account for it. It is hard to investigate individual processes to identify the root cause. With AstroFarm’s latest enhancement, you can find out the root cause of the bottleneck and, as a result, enable faster troubleshooting.

How to use the feature?

Once the device is clicked for use, you can find the CPU and memory utilization graph under the 'Performance' tab on the device control page. The graph will display real-time CPU and memory utilization of the device as well as its usage data for selected processes. To ensure that you can precisely detect when spikes occur, data is updated in real-time from session start to end.

If you want to view the resource utilization for a particular process, just click on ‘Select Process’ and choose the device process/processes you want to monitor.

After device use, the history of usage stats can be found in the ‘Reports’ section of the AstroFarm console. You can also easily export these graphs to share with your teams.

This latest enhancement in AstroFarm will help you identify the high CPU and memory consuming processes and ensure faster resolution. No detective glasses necessary! 

A Quick Snapshot of AstroFarm

AstroFarm is a private mobile device farm solution that empowers your distributed QA and DevOps teams with real devices they can access from anywhere, anytime, while maximizing ROI, minimizing e-waste, and improving productivity.

Looking to utilize all your distributed devices for mobile app testing? Enroll your devices in AstroFarm right away!

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