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Mobile Technology in Restaurant Business

Jan 25, 2012 | 42Gears Team

Mobile Technology in Restaurant business

Use of tablets is on the rise everywhere. Even the restaurant industry is finding great potential in using tablets with an aim to increase revenues, increase customer loyalty and provide faster service and response times.

Restaurants have started to deploy tablets to take orders and entertain guests while they wait for the order to be delivered. They can play games or update their social status on Facebook or Twitter and let their friends know the food they are enjoying. And at the end of their meal, payments can be processed quickly with a credit-card reader attached to the tablet.

Advantages are enormous. It has been observed that people order more food if they can instantly order it without waiting for the server. Customers can view the full menu and tap on the food items that they want to order. No need to wait for the server to take your order. Order information is instantly transferred to the kitchen thereby reducing ordering time. Server’s job is to only deliver the food to the table.

Tablets also make it possible to deliver visuals (photographs and videos) of the food and beverages being served by the restaurant. The customers get a first-hand idea of what they are going to get. They probably can also see reviews of the items by the past customers.

Besides the imminent benefit to the guests, the restaurant can enjoy more benefits. Since the orders are digitally accepted, the order information from all customers is collected in a structured way and is stored into a database. This data can be used later for statistical purposes (say to accurately determine which food is in maximum demand on Friday evening). Technology enables Real time information collection and processing in real-time.

Use of mobile technology is surely going to benefit the $604 billion restaurant industry, helping both the customers and the restaurant businesses.

42Gears Mobility Systems is the leading vendor of mobility managament tools helping companies manage and secure their fleet of mobile devices such as Smartphones and Tablets. Learn more about our products.

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