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Key elements of an MDM Solution

jul 29, 2022 | 42Gears Team

Every system in this business world that stores, sends, and receives sensitive data is vulnerable to potential cybercrime threats. Just the act of connecting to an internal system or network alone provides a virtual gateway for cybercriminals to access and exploit confidential corporate data on mobile devices. If such devices are operated beyond their private network, it becomes easier for hackers to breach them. In such scenarios, an MDM solution proves to be really useful in managing and protecting a broad range of portable devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and terminals while ensuring corporate compliance. Let’s look at the importance of an MDM solution in the cybersecurity space. 

Typically, an MDM tool focuses on several interrelated components, including:

  • Device and data security capabilities
  • Device management features
  • Device configurations 
  • Device functionality controls

By implementing a robust MDM solution, an IT team can remotely monitor, secure, and manage all mobile devices and ensure that they are compliant with organizational policies. 

What is the need for an MDM solution in the cybersecurity space?

MDM is no longer an option in modern times; it is a must-have tool. It's key to protecting your company's devices and data from online threats.

In particular, when a device is lost or stolen, it becomes a possible target for a cyberattack, which happens more often than you might think.

According to a study conducted by Tech Funnel:

  • A laptop is stolen every 53 seconds.
  • 70 million smartphones are lost every year.
  • The average cost of a data breach is $39,297 or 80% of the total cost of a laptop.
  • 52% of mobile and laptop devices are stolen from the workplace.

The cost of lost data is far greater than the cost of the lost device. Small businesses are also at a high risk of cyber-attacks and may suffer major damage if they do not employ effective control mechanisms to mitigate vulnerabilities.

These facts highlight the necessity of using an MDM solution to manage, monitor, and secure mobile devices used for business purposes. By implementing a smart MDM solution in the cybersecurity space, organizations can ensure that both the device and the data remain secure without having to sacrifice device functionality and usability.

Key Elements of an MDM Solution 

Although every MDM solution is uniquely tailored to a suit business-specific needs, there are certain elements common to all. They include:    

  • Application management – This involves prudent management of the entire lifecycle of an application, including:
    • Installation 
    • Updating
    • Managing licenses, permissions, and configurations
    • Deletion 

With an MDM solution, IT teams can remotely manage mobile apps, configure policies, and blocklist and allowlist apps. Another important aspect of this is the ability to disseminate enterprise apps through an enterprise app store, auto-update the applications, and then manage them through a central interface.   

  • Asset management – This policy emphasizes controlling and monitoring what company-owned and personal devices can be used for and how. Enforcement mechanisms must be put in place to ensure that your company’s policy is universally applied to all devices, platforms, networks, and operating systems. 
  • Bandwidth optimization- This is centered upon managing bandwidth usage for each device and application. Personal mobile devices can account for a significant portion of your network’s resources, especially if they’re allowed to go unchecked. 
  • Content management – Also known as mobile information management (MIM), this feature helps restrict access to corporate resources on any mobile device. It ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive corporate data, thereby reducing the chance of a data breach by preventing data from being: 
    • Backed up on a third-party cloud service
    • Accessible via an unauthorized or unsecured device
    • Shared amongst personal and corporate apps 
  • Configuration management – This includes modifying policies according to your business standards and compliance regulations as well as app blocklisting and allowlisting. It allows you to identify, control, and manage settings—both hardware and software—based on user profiles, identity, or physical location. 
  • Data security—This ensures that all data is stored, sent, or received according to organizational policies and best practices. 
  • Identity and access management – It serves as a screen that restricts access based on permissions. Only authorized employees are given access to the device, data, services, and network connection.
  • Profile management – This limits control of and access to policies and settings to a specific group of end-users based on job roles.  
  • Risk management, audit, and reporting –MDM ensures the security of devices by keeping a close eye on the usage and any odd behavior. If there is any malicious activity, the MDM gives the admin the power to restrict access or stop the transfer of data. 
  • Software updates – It gives businesses the ability to remotely control software, OS updates, and licenses across all work devices.  

Benefits of an MDM solution in the cybersecurity space  

There are several benefits of an effective MDM solution, which include:

  • Easy remote management of devices—System administrators have remote access to manage all devices. In the event of equipment damage, IT admins can remotely manage and configure the system using this kind of software.
  • Improved regulatory compliance – Most industries have specific rules, regulations, and stipulations relating to cybersecurity practices, especially for sensitive information. Some of these regulations include PCI or HIPAA. An MDM solution can help ensure that workers follow best practices and that businesses comply with industry regulations.  
  • Greater application control – Admins can block or restrict blocklisted applications from being downloaded or executed, which can save a company from data loss or a system crash. 
  • Increased network security – Typically, an MDM solution is developed to strengthen your network’s cybersecurity capabilities. Part of this is accomplished via automatic updates, which can be applied across all company devices. Also, if a device is stolen or lost, an MDM platform can locate the device, lock it, and then wipe the data remotely before sensitive information is stolen. 
  • Lower IT requirements – An MDM solution automates several labor-intensive cybersecurity processes required to monitor all enterprise devices. This frees up your IT  resources to focus on other issues that require their attention.   

Cybersecurity and MDM Solution Implementation

An MDM solution is deployed to keep your corporate network safe by improving the security and functionality of any work-related mobile device. However, successful deployment of an MDM solution requires preplanning, daily management, and real-time monitoring. 

With more than a decade of experience in the MDM space, 42Gears is well-positioned to help you stay protected against the ever-evolving threat of information security breaches.  At 42Gears, we offer a leading-edge Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) solution, SureMDM, helping businesses ensure security and abide by regulatory compliance requirements.

42Gears supports remote working with secure infrastructure to enable employees to work wherever they are, and whenever they want. Security leaders must consider building their infrastructure around comprehensive management technologies such as SureMDM in order to remotely secure and manage a vast range of endpoints. SureMDM features a built-in threat detection capability along with visibility and easy-to-use controls needed to secure, manage, and monitor any corporate or employee-owned mobile device or desktop that accesses business-critical data.

Choose a feature-rich MDM solution to manage your business devices.

Try SureMDM

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