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iOS 12 and its impact on enterprises

The upcoming release of iOS 12 is creating a lot of buzz among Apple users. Scheduled to release in September 2018, Apple has decided to exclude major feature additions into the new release. Instead, iOS 12 will be packed with robust feature enhancements that will boost performance, ensure stability, and enhance the security. Previous iOS…

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42Gears’s Journey to Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for UEM Tools 2018

42Gears has made it to 2018 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Unified Endpoint Management Tools as a Visionary. We believe this recognition comes at a critical point in 42Gears’s journey towards UEM market dominance as it affirms the roadmap and vision which 42Gears has set for itself. This is the first Magic Quadrant by Gartner on…

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HTML-based Centralized Management Console

42Gears UEM – SureMDM is an HTML based web console which gives IT admins a centralized interface to interact with and manage enrolled mobile endpoints. This console works with all major web browsers and is responsive enough to be accessed on a tablet.   Evolution of SureMDM Web Console SureMDM console was designed in HTML…

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Obtaining Authentication Certificates Using SCEP

Extensive use of mobile devices in enterprises raise security concerns such as accessing work emails  with unauthorized devices, password theft, accessing of corporate resources from untrusted devices etc. Although password-based authentication may secure corporate devices and networks, it has two key disadvantages: Users need to remember passwords for each resource they have  access to, resulting…

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Hydrauvision Adopts BYOD with 42Gears

The practice of allowing employees to use their own personal devices for work purposes has long sparked intense debates across corporate ecosystems. Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) offers several advantages such as better work-life balance for employees, higher employee productivity, better flexibility and improved employee happiness. Businesses also save money on hardware costs when they allow workers to…

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