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Android Screen Pinning – Turning Consumer Devices into Single Purpose Tools

Screen Pinning or App Pinning feature was introduced by Google for Android devices (Lollipop and above) to lock them down into single application mode. The feature allows the user to lock the device screen and show only a specific app, automatically restricting access to all other functions of the Android device. Once an app is…

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Why Are Meltdown and Spectre Such A Big Deal for Enterprises?

IT departments across the world were in shock when Meltdown and Spectre hardware vulnerabilities were discovered. These are the names of vulnerabilities that affect most computer chips manufactured in the last two decades. Essentially, they expose critical vulnerabilities in modern processors to malicious programs for data theft. Malicious programs can use Meltdown and Spectre to…

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Wearable Technology a Game Changer for BYOD?

With large scale acceptance of BYOD, the use of consumer devices in enterprise ecosystems are rapidly growing. The adoption of wearables is not just limited to fitness and fashion, but has become a vital business tool. Industries such as mining, transportation, healthcare, construction, and hospitality are implementing smart technology in order to increase productivity, enhance…

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